Quiet Motorbikes To Join The United States Stealth Weapons Arsenal
The United States military is currently working on a project that will see a quiet (near-silent) dirt motorbike be available in its stealth weapons arsenal. The technology that will go into production of the near-silent motorbike will make it possible for US troops to move on enemies ground quickly and in stealth mode.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded Logos Technology company based in Fairfax, Va. a grant to conduct research on a lightweight partly electric motorbike that combat troops can use to travel over rugged terrain with as little noise production as possible. Logos Technologies officials stated that the covert motorbike will combine with the company’s already existing technology called quieted hybrid-electric power system and the off-road electric motorbike manufactured by BRD Company based in San Francisco.
Wade Pulliam, the manager of Advanced Concepts at Logos Technologies said, “Quieted, all-wheel-drive capability at extended range in a lightweight, rugged, single-track vehicle could support the successful operations of U.S. expeditionary and special forces in extreme terrain conditions and contested environments… With a growing need to operate small units far from logistical support, the military may increasingly rely on adaptable, efficient technologies like hybrid-electric motorcycle.”
DAPRA gave a grant worth $100,000 to Logos Technologies through the Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), in order to allow Logos Technologies to carry out a feasibility study on the concept of a stealth dirt motorbike. During the soliciting for the proposals, DARPA outlined that it was interested in a motorbike that would use the conventional heavy fuels for long distance traveling, but can switch to electric power for short distance traveling. If and when this technology becomes a reality, the hybrid motorbike could replace the M1030M1 diesel motorbikes currently in use by the US military.