At the ongoing CES 2017, China-based electronics maker Xiaomi has unveiled its latest TV, the Mi TV 4, the thinnest TV the company has made yet. It said to be 4.9mm thick and 30% thinner than the iPhone 7.
The Mi TV 4 is also the first TV in Xiaomi lineup that comes with the Dolby Atmos audio technology for that cinema-type of audio experience. The TV comes in a frameless design, with the thinnest point measuring 4.9mm and is being said to be 37 percent thinner than the Mi MIX and 30 percent thinner than the iPhone 7.
The TV comes in three different sizes; the 49’, 55’, and 65-inch models. Xiaomi says the Mi TV 4 is modular; you can swap out the motherboard and other internal components with new ones to upgrade the TV.
The Mi TV 4 comes up bundled up together with the Mi TV Bar that has 10 integrated speakers, 2 wireless rear satellite speakers, and a subwoofer. Xiaomi also unveiled the Mi Port, a single cable connecting the Mi TV Bar to the display and carries signals to and from the display giving you a clearer video and audio experience.
The Mi TV 4 Price
Xiaomi said the TV will retail at $2,000 and will start shipping in China within this year. Xiaomi also revealed there will be a different variant of the same TV without the Dolby Atmos home theater that will retail at about $1,500.
Xiaomi has also added an extra AI (Artificial Intelligence) recommendation feature on top of its UI. Dubbed PatchWall the AI runs on top of the Android TV OS and is based on deep learning technology. PatchWall will make content recommendations based on the metadata of types of movies and TV shows viewed most by the user.
The Xiaomi Mi Router HD
Xiaomi also unveiled the Mi Router HD set to be launched in the China market sometime in the Q1 of 2017. The router comes in two versions, a 1TB for $200 and 8TB for $500. The router has four PCB array antennas that support data transfer rate of up to 2,600Mbps.
The router is a 4×4 multi-user MIMO router with a built-in surveillance-class hard drive of up to 8TB capacity. The router also automatically backs up all your devices connected to the network and even goes an extra step further to sync with Dropbox.