With the introduction of Apple’s iOS 5, a notification banner feature also came to the sight. This feature saved the users from the headache of continual and irritating pop ups. The new pop up for the same tool in iOS seems very simple and uncomplicated. The effort put by Jony Ive and his design team seems like the product of only a few seconds of thought. The drop down notifications panel is simple and plain. But, for those who might think that this simplicity should have not been there. Well, the solution has been put forth and is known as Coono (a new jailbreak tweak).
What it Does?
This new tweak basically clinches the dominant color shade of the application and imparts it to the notifications panel.
More about the Coono!
This feature doesn’t only inject a stream of alive outlook feel to the notifications banner but it also assists the user in distinguishing the banners from one another on the base of the application to which they are associated. This ‘coloring’ feature of Coono helps the user to quickly identify the software from which the notification is coming. For example a greenish color would indicate notification from ‘messages app’ while a bluish shade would indicate something new in the ‘mails app’.
It should be noted that the color scheme for this tweak is inclined towards the bright shade of colors and this positively contributes to the efficiency of Coono. Since, there is a bulk of theming option on iOS 7, the circle of audience faces confusion in making a choice. But, Coono highlights the notifications by the support from NC-related tweaks.Coono is incorporated with the concept of spot on execution. Some users propose that the color choice for this application should have been manual. This proposition is the implication of the verity that custom themes are flowing in the stream of popularity these days and the analogy between the colors in the notifications bar and the ones used in actual application might be disturbed.
Coono injects a stream of activity and a lively feel to the notifications banner. For $1.50 it’s worth it if you want a nice color analogy between the notifications banner and the applications. Coono can be taken from BigBoss repository, existing in the official list of Cydia resources. Color up your notifications banner and fill it with life and eye catching appearance.