eLearning Africa 9th International Conference Coming To Uganda May 28-30
eLearning Africa conference attracts the largest gathering of professionals who support ICT education in Africa. Delegates in attendance to this conferences consist of high-level policy decision makers, practitioners in governments, business and education; the key pillars in influencing the adoption of eLearning and ICT innovation. The participants get a chance to develop cross-industry and multinational partnerships and contacts, as well as getting the opportunity to enhance their knowledge, abilities and expertise.
The ninth eLearning Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training will be held in Kampala, Uganda on the May 28th to 30th, and it will be themed: Opening Frontiers To The Future. The theme is in line with Africa’s potential which is yet to be properly exploited. Africa is rich with a youthful population and rich resources which are all the right ingredients to create a bright future. The eLearning Africa Conference 2014 couldn’t have chosen a better host for the 2014 conference than Uganda, which perfectly fits the description of this year’s theme.
Uganda’s population is made up of 78% people below the age of 30. Theoretically this would be an ideal situation for any economy to blossom, but the reality in Uganda is that this large population of youths buzzing with a lot of energy and new ideas but have little resources to support themselves, leading to a lot of pressure on the youths in a bid to fend for themselves. The future of Africa lies in the hands of the youth, and it will be a wise move to empower the youth with knowledge and ICT skills that will yield more creativity and innovation among them.
ICT plays a critical role in empowering the youths with knowledge, and if done right it will no longer be a privilege for only the formally educated and rich citizens. Rather it will empower the majority (if not all) of the African population and become an agent of change at both the individual and community level. The eLearning Africa, 2014 conference, will have in attendance more than 300 speakers who will be sharing such ideas, as well as coming up with ground-breaking education strategies and technologies to help not just Uganda but Africa as a whole. The following are some of the keynote speakers who will be in attendance:
- -Venasius Baryamureeba – Uganda Technology and Management University, Uganda.
- -Mark East – General Manager, Microsoft EMEA &ASIA Education Industry Group.
- –Rebecca Enonchong – Founder & CEO AppsTech, Cameroon.
- -Athambile Masola – Teacher & Blogger, South Africa.
- -Sozinho Francisco Matsinhe – Executive Secretary, African Academy of Languages, African Union, Mali.
- -John Nasasira – The Minister for ICT, Uganda.
- -Bitange Ndemo – Honorary Chair, Alliance for Affordable Internet, Kenya.
- -Iyadunni Olubode – Executive Director, LEAP Africa Ltd/Gte, Nigeria.
- -Jochen Polster – Vice President EMEA, NComputing.
- -Noah Samara – Chairman & CEO, Yazmi, USA.
- -Bright Simons – President of the mPedigree Network, Ghana.
- -William Nyombi Thembo – The Minister of State for ICT, Uganda.
- -Beate Wedekind – THE NEW//AFRICA & ONE, Germany/Ethiopia.
- -Valerie Wood-Gaiger – Learn with Grandma, Wales, UK.
The conference will also have over 1500 participants coming from all corners of Africa, and it will give them the opportunity to learn at the conference’s knowledge exchange sessions, network with other eLearning enthusiasts and interact with the keynote speakers in plenary.
To view the list of sponsors, partners and exhibitors who have made the eLearning African 2014 conference possible click here. The venue of the event will be at Speke Resort and Conference Centre Ltd, Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda.
The conference has been organized by the Government of the Republic of Uganda in partnership with Integrated Communications Worldwide Events (ICWE). You can also interact with this event via social media by clicking on the highlighted links; Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter or you can use the hashtag #eLA14 to interact with them while on Twitter.