“The dog ate my homework”, this is perhaps the most used lie students have been using in an attempt to get themselves out of trouble with their teachers. Especially when they forget to do their homework, and it is time for submission. That lie might have worked on a few occasions in the past, but the modern students who are increasingly finding themselves relying on technology to do and hand in their homework. These cliché lies are no longer applicable.
With e-learning becoming mainstream, the following are some of the basic mobile apps for students and are available for free download:
Timetable: If there is one thing bright students know they must master, it is time management. Traditionally, it was in the form of drawn-out timetable that assigned different tasks for different times.
However, with technology in the form of mobile devices, students can now use digital timetable to assign different tasks to different times. This app also automatically syncs with all your Android devices, it will automatically mute your phone during class time and give you reminders about your scheduled lessons and tasks.
Alarmy: We all know that feeling when your alarm clock rudely interrupts you peaceful moments in bed. Being the snooze lover that you are, you stretch your arms to your smartphone and hit the snooze button.
You probably did this today in the morning and probably repeated it a number of times that by the time you finally headed the calls from the alarm to wake up. You had already snoozed your way into 1 hour late. This alarm is probably the most annoying alarm clock in the world. It will force to get out of the bed and take a picture of a pre-registered area in your house. Otherwise, it will not let up on making noise.
Mint.com: This mainly applies to college students and working adults who have trouble managing their money. This mobile app is your personal financial assistant, helping you not to spend beyond your means.
You can set up and stick to a budget; all the while the app will give you your expenses and all your accounts changes in real time. If and when you spend more than your budget allows, the app will alert you.
Scribd: This mobile app brings you a library of millions of books, audiobooks, and comics. Using any iOS and Android device, you can have access to your library of academic books, texts, and notes.
The above four are some of the most basic mobile apps any student with a smartphone or tablet ought to have. Although there are numerous other mobile apps in app stores that can make you a more time efficient and productive students. The above four will be a step in the right direction if you currently don’t use mobile apps in your learning.