At the Microsoft Build 2016, the Redmond tech giant announced the planned roll out of Windows 10 Anniversary Update, codenamed Redstone 1. The company gave use highlights of features to expect from the next Windows 10 build, as we featured here.
The company also reaffirmed its new resolution to be rolling out Windows upgrade series to the current Windows 10. Unlike previously where the Microsoft would move from one Windows version to the next; rather it will be upgrading Windows 10 features step by step over time.
Windows 10 Anniversary Update like the name suggests is an update released in commemoration of the first roll out of Windows 10; on July 29, 2015. That means its anniversary is about a month away from today, and we should expect Windows 10 Anniversary Update to roll out to our Windows 10 devices.
However, according to what appears to be an accidental blog post on the Microsoft’s site. The Anniversary Update will roll out in August 2nd, 2016. It was an accidental post in the sense that the post titled, ‘Microsoft announces Windows 10 Anniversary Update available Aug. 2’
The post was taken out few minutes after it was posted, but other than the title, the blog post had no body content. That could either mean three things; Microsoft is teasing users to evaluate their anticipation, someone at Microsoft got over excited that s/he hit the publish button just too quickly, or Microsoft is not ready to make the rollout public just yet.