NervEight – A Contemporary Mobile App For Interaction Of Fans & New Music Artists
We all enjoy the convenience of using music apps, ranging from iTunes, Spotify to Pandora. They make it easy for us to listen to our favourite songs on our mobile phones especially while we are on the move. However, the downside to most of these apps is that they are so mainstream.
By this, I mean you will mostly listen to music from already popular and well established artists; you know popular songs, popular bands, and popular artists. Chances of you getting to hear that ‘new jam from that new kid on the block’ are pretty slim. Yet the growing trend is that, indie music scene is fast taking over mainstream music. So if you want to catch these new upcoming underdogs’ hits, you need to switch to a music platform that features them most.
Known as the NervEight music app, a developed by Steven Eason and Torian Johnson. This app works by accepting new songs submission by artists (any artist) and features these songs daily to the NervEight user base. The songs are taken through a friendly competition, for the amount of “Likes” they can get from listeners. The songs that get the most “Likes” for the day are taken to the end of the week contest – a contest where all the top daily-featured songs compete against each other. After a couple of weeks, the songs with the most “Likes” go into another round of competition for “Likes” against each other. The overall winner, with the most likes, wins promotion packages and other sponsored prizes.
In case you haven’t quite gotten the edge NervEight, has over other music app platforms, let me break it down for you. First they accept music submission from any artists. Majority of these artists will be independent upcoming artists looking for a platform to promote their music. Meaning songs that get featured on NerveEight are new songs from little to never heard about artists. Users then get to hear these songs which can’t be found on mainstream platforms; then you get to criticize or promote the songs, according to how the songs appealed to your individual taste. Only songs that get the most “Likes” will advance to the next level of the ‘tournament’ so to speak. Unlike most platforms, NervEight set the stage for songs popularity to grow organically. As the songs get featured, artists too get a chance to interact and engage with their fanbase which helps them remain relevant in the competition.
To a music fan, this gives you a front row seat to the discovery of the next big thing in the music industry. No more mainstream bombardment with songs from well-known and already established artists, which at times may not be that great, but still get airplay simply because they are hits from big-time artists. So instead, you give yourself a chance to listen to a great hit, just not from an already popular artist.
The NervEight app works on both the Android and iOS devices and you can download it from Google Play for your Android device or from App Store for your iOS device.