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Pantelligent – The Smartpan That Bluetooths You When Your Cooking Is Ready - Innov8tiv
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Pantelligent – The Smartpan That Bluetooths You When Your Cooking Is Ready

by Milicent Atieno

Pantelligent, as the name suggest, is an intelligent cooking pan (smartpan) that wants to remove the guesswork from your cooking. How often do you find yourself juggling between cooking and other work? Maybe you place a pan in the kitchen and move into the living room to catch some evening news, or walked upstairs to check on something.

Well, Pantelligent is your regular cooking pan but with smart gizmos fitted to alert you via an app of how your cooking is doing. At the center of the pan, is a temperature gauge connected to the handle that has a Bluetooth radio. When you touch your phone to the handle, the pan and your smartphone get paired up via Bluetooth, and you will get updates about the pan’s cooking content via the app’s alerts.Pantelligent – The Smartpan That Bluetooths You When Your Cooking Is Ready

Take, for instance, you place the pan on the firing grills, and you walk away from the kitchen for whatever reason. As long as you within the pan’s Bluetooth radius, you will keep getting alerts about when the pan is hot enough to apply some oil, when the steak cooking has reached medium rate temperature, etc.

It gets even better, for those of us who are more experienced in ordering food than cooking food. The app comes loaded with various recipes, and you can edit a recipe and have the pan guide you in preparing your meal.

Say, you to make a pancake, and you have no clue how to go about it. The pan can take out the guesswork and whip up a delicious pancake meal for you. Bottom line, you no longer have to guess how to make certain dishes, your smartpan will simply guide you on how to make given meals. The alerts sent via Bluetooth to your phone informing you when it is time to flip your pancakes will make your cooking come out like you knew what you were doing in the first place.

To see how Pantelligent works, visit the Pantelligent site here.

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