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Essential Components of a Successful Marketing Strategy


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Your marketing strategy is one of the most important parts of your business model. Without marketing, your company is always going to be DOA. However, not all marketing and promotion is equal. You need to make sure that you think about what marketing elements are critical to the success of your business and the continued growth of your brand. There are lots of examples that might be important to consider here. Let’s dive in.


First, you should think about SEO. SEO is crucial because more than 95% of all online interactions will start with a search engine. What does this mean? Simply put, the vast majority of people don’t know what they are looking for when they power up a computer or scroll through their mobile phone. That provides a fantastic opportunity for businesses who are looking to win over new clients. But this will only happen if people can find their website and their brand. That’s why you need the support of an SEO agency. Using their services, you can ensure that your company begins to climb up the SERPs.


Next, you should think about PPC marketing. PPC or pay-per-click refers to inorganic promotional tactics. Instead of using SEO to climb the SERPs, your business landing pages can appear in the sponsored results section. This is useful because about 30% of all users will click these before they move on to the organic results. You can grab their interest and win the sale before they even think about looking at other businesses. This is also one of the most efficient and cost-effective marketing options.

Conversion Optimization

What is going to make someone want to make a purchase from your business? Once you know the answer, you need to be including this element in your marketing strategy as much as you can. For example, let’s take your website. If you’re going to be focusing on conversion optimization, you’re going to need to ensure that the website is easy to use, that you’re focusing on customer experience through the designing phase, and that you have it clearly displayed where to checkout.

The conversion is the desired action for the page, which doesn’t always mean a sale. If you can just get them to do what you want them to do, then this is going to be a success. To do this, you’re going to need the information that you have gathered such as your bounce rate so that you can work out where the problem is.

Brand Management

You should also consider brand management and make sure that it is part of your marketing strategy. Brand management is about securing the perspective of your brand and guaranteeing that customers want to continue to buy from your business. One of the ways that you can do this is by checking reviews for your company online. Don’t forget, more than 80% of online shoppers will check reviews before committing to the purchase of a product or service. As such, it does make sense to respond if you are receiving negative comments. You might also want to consider checking for mentions of your business across social networks to ensure a bad buzz is not developing.

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Content Creation

Content creation is the final thing that we’re going to be mentioning. When you’re trying to create content, what do you need to keep in mind? Your target audience. You need to ensure that you’re appealing to them through whatever means necessary. Be willing to be flexible when it comes to what kind of content you are willing to put out there. Text posts can only get you so far, so you’ve got to branch out into other forms of media such as polls, photos and even videos.

It’s also essential that you are putting the right information into the content that you are creating. Ideally, it should be either informative, or funny, or both! The goal is to attract the largest number of people, so always go back to the customer to see what is appealing to them right now.

We hope that you have found this article helpful and now see the essential components of a successful marketing strategy. You’ve got to put your all into this if you want to see results, and that means working on every single point that we have raised above. If you’re not willing to do this, then you need to hire someone who will. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage to see results sooner rather than later.

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