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Improving Your Company’s HR Systems


One of the major dilemmas faced by smaller organizations is whether or not to have a dedicated HR department. According to a Society for Human Resource Management report, the impact of not having HR personnel or a limited HR team is entirely determined by the organization’s size.

To put it simply, in smaller companies, HR roles are primarily transactional, like benefits management and payroll. However, as the company grows, the role of HR expands from transactional to employee welfare. For such growing companies, it’s a good idea to get educated about effective HR strategies and management.

Here’s a primer article on how to improve your company’s HR system and tips to achieve an ideal HR system. Let’s go ahead and take a look.

Streamline The Hiring Process

Most companies in the biz are in the market to scale. For those who aim to run a scalable organization, it’s a must to have a team of experienced professionals that are likely to stay loyal to the company for years to come. A cohesive team is more likely to stick together and work for the common goal of the company.

To achieve such a strong team of employees, companies need to streamline and improve the hiring process. Invest time and money in pre-employment background screening of potential employees to find out as much as you can about their needs, expectations, and motivation.

Once you have all of the information, sit together with relevant department heads to compare the results and pick the best team that will strive to scale your company to new heights.

Online Training

LinkedIn’s Workforce Learning Report from 2019 made a shocking revelation that a mind-blowing 94 percent of employees say that they will stick to a company for a longer period if it allows them to learn and grow. Since your target is to build a cohesive time that will stick with you for a long time and help you scale the company, it’d be in your best interest to provide them with opportunities to hone their professional or personal skills.

For example, you can give your HR representative or team access to online learning resources to be better able to perform their jobs. You can search online for human resource management courses as an efficient, streamlined way to give your team access to more training materials.

Similarly, you can look up relevant online training modules for different departments to keep them motivated and stay with the company for years to come.

Transparent Expectations

No system in the world is perfect, and try however hard you might; it’s possible for a few bad apples to slip into your company. They can prove detrimental to the overall culture of the workplace by being unmotivated and unfocused on the common goal. This could also prove to be a bad influence on others in your company.

To prevent this, set up a transparent module of expectations from each employee. Be very clear about the KRA and expectations from a particular employee since day one. Don’t be hesitant to tell the consequences of failing to meet these expectations to those who stray from the path. This makes it easier to let go of someone who is not contributing to your company’s vision.

Effective Reward Program

A suitable corporate reward program can go a long way to boost employee motivation in your company. Introduce a reward program and clearly define to your employees how to earn their rewards. With a comprehensive understanding of what is expected of them, employees will be more focused on meeting the performance standards.

Use a blend of monetary and thoughtful non-monetary rewards, former for a sense of gratification and latter for a solid emotional connection with the company. Additionally, since you are a smaller company with a smaller workforce, go for individual rewards that fit the needs of employees instead of bulk buying rewards. This will show them that you as company care and enhance their commitment.

Invest in an HR Software

Lastly, you must also take care of your HR team to stay with the company and put all of the above strategies to create the best working environment for the employees. To make HR’s job easier, research and implement suitable HR software in your company.

Not only will HR software save a lot of paperwork and time, but it also gets tasks done with less margin for error. Most HR software is built with small and medium-sized businesses in mind. These will transform the time-consuming and arduous task of HR administration that involves tons of spreadsheets and documents into a cakewalk.

In a nutshell, with good strategies and techniques in place, any small company can get its HR system running like a well-oiled machine. The critical takeaway is to ensure the well-being of your employees while still motivating them to keep their eyes on the target.

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