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You’re “Sew” Crafty! How To Digitize Your DIY Business


Since the start of the pandemic, many crafting enthusiasts have found that quarantine has brought them the gift of extra time to pursue their hobbies.

If you are one of the many who has rediscovered their passion for sewing, welding, knitting, or more, you may be looking to start an online business or wondering how to take your existing virtual craft store to the next level.

Every tech enthusiast wants to take their physical hobby into the digital realm! If you love DIY as much as you love the internet, let’s explore a few creative ideas for crafters who want to digitize their quarantine hobby and turn their crafts into a thriving business.

1.  Find Your Platform

The first step to digitizing your DIY business is to find the perfect online platform to sell your products. There are many to choose from, but the most popular choice for avid crafters is Etsy, an easy-to-use craft marketplace that anyone can join. They’ll take a small percentage each time you sell, but the exposure of selling on such a popular site is worth it.

There are other platforms to get you started as well, such as Amazon, Artfire, and eBay. Or, if you’re a savvy web designer, create your own platform!

2.  Make It Personal

You’re not the only one trying to sell your creations in the online craft marketplace! Stand out among the crowd by personalizing your products. When someone purchases from your online store, add your own flair by packaging your product with branded tissue paper or boxes that match your aesthetic.

Another great way for your product to stand out is to create custom printed labels featuring your shop’s logo. This is a wonderful way to guarantee a polished look for a hand-sewn garment, cross-stitch project, or even a thrifted item. Digitizing your business is all about staying sharp and standing out; let your products shine by always adding a personal touch.

3.  Help Others DIY

Let others join in on the fun! Sell helpful kits for your customers to bring the joy of DIY into their own homes. Pique interest and pass your craft on by putting together DIY kits to sell on your online platform.

Carefully curating and branding your own woodworking kits, cross-stitch kits, modeling clay kits, or other DIY specialties are a great way to sell more products and successfully digitize your business with minimal effort. These kits make a great gift for families with kids and are a great way for someone to give a new hobby a try (while increasing your customer base and brand awareness!).

4.  Take Great Photos

Entice customers to buy from your online business by taking clear and compelling photos of your product. You’ve spent the time to handcraft an amazing item; you don’t want to miss the mark and lose sales over blurry or confusing photos.

Always make sure your product photos have great lighting and consider investing in a decent camera for clarity (even the camera on a new phone will work!).

5.  Digitize Your Art

If you are a visual artist, consider digitizing your art! Scanning your art into the computer and selling digital PDF copies for your customers to print at home is a great way to make some extra money while saving on printing and shipping costs.

Whatever your specialty is, how can you digitize the instructions for an easy sale to your customers who want to learn? If you are a patternmaker, consider digitizing your sewing or cross stitch patterns for others to download online and use to craft at home. The same goes for selling simple building patterns for customers looking to explore woodworking.

Surely this is just the beginning of a successful and fun way to monetize your favorite hobby! Whether you are a woodworker, birdhouse maker, painter, or knitter, the sky is the limit when you create an online business and digitize your DIY skills!

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