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Five File Management Tips That Make Running a Business Easier


Managing files today is a lot easier than it was years ago when file cabinets were the norm. It’s a lot easier to pop on the computer to find files! Or is it?

Although dealing with files on the computer is easier in some ways than dealing with paper files, it’s harder in others. Stop spending time hunting down files and wondering how to organize them by following these tips to take control of the files in your office.

Don’t Be Afraid of Data Migration

Many startups and businesses avoid transferring data, even if there is no longer enough room or the technology where the files are stored is outdated. The process of moving data from one storage system to another is a huge job that takes a lot of time, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, things can easily fall through the cracks.

That’s no excuse not to move that data! Use data migration software to make the process go more smoothly. When you partner with the right team, all changes take place in real time, eliminating the need for lengthy scans that require scheduled outages. Everything runs throughout the entire process, and because your data is being taken care of by professionals, they will make sure everything makes it to its final destination.

Keep Things Organized

When you only have a few files to keep track of, you may dump them on your desktop or group them all in a single folder. The trouble is, when you start dealing with files this way, they can quickly get out of hand. Before you know it, your desktop is covered in files and you have to search your computer for a document based on what you think it might be called.

It’s important to set up a file management system that works for you so you don’t end up wasting time searching for folders and documents.

A few tips include:

  • Everything should go into a folder when it’s time to save.
  • Use sub-folders to further organize files, especially if there are many to organize.
  • Don’t be afraid to use sub-folders within sub-folders to keep things organized.
  • File documents in more than one place if there’s not just one place they should go.
  • No matter what organizational system you develop, make sure you stick to it!

Be Specific When Naming Files

Not only do you have to think carefully about how you organize your folders, you also need to start thinking carefully about how you name files.

Just because you know where to put a document doesn’t mean you’ll be able to find it when the time comes. If the file has a name containing jumbled up numbers and letters, you’ll never know what it is until you open it. You could click through countless files before you find the one you’re looking for.

Don’t feel like you have to stick with the default name for files. Name files whatever you need to name them so you know exactly what they are days, weeks, and months in the future.

Backup Your Files Regularly

You probably already know that it’s important to backup your files. External hard drives and flash drives are always an option, but if you have a lot of files to backup or you’re running your own business, you should consider Cloud storage.

With Cloud storage, you are able to store your files off of your computer in a data center somewhere else. No matter what happens to the hardware in your office, you can access it on other devices when you store everything in the Cloud.

Add File Management Tasks to Your To-Do List

Once you have a system for organizing files and a you back everything up, managing your files becomes relatively easy, but that doesn’t mean your job is done.

Don’t just leave your files and folders to their own devices. Over time, it’s a good idea to delete old folders and files that you no longer need. Doing this can speed up your computer, but it also gives hackers less to work with if your system should ever be attacked.

It’s also important to find a place to put files as soon as you get them. Schedule a little bit of time at the end of the day or the week to find places for rogue files and get rid of files you don’t need.

Don’t let files and folders rule your life! These tips will help you manage all of your files, no matter how many you have.

Photo by Patrick Amoy on Unsplash

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