There were some pretty inspiring pro tips in the offing at the Techpoint Inspired 2018 event held…
Apps and SoftwareTech
Pickle: Best App to Sell Your Services and Make New Friends
by Fahad Saleemby Fahad SaleemHumans are designed to live in groups and help each other to sustain life. Cooperation lies at…
Cool Tech Jobs
This Tech Startup Relocates Its Employees to their Dream Places and Let them Work Remotely
by Fahad Saleemby Fahad SaleemZapier is a US based apps development company which is making headlines these days after it started…
Cool Tech JobsStart-upsTech
5 Skills That are Your Way Out From the 9-to-5 Hell
by Fahad Saleemby Fahad SaleemIn a letter to his employer, Charles Bukowski once talked about the effects of 9-to-5 jobs: “The…
Social MediaStart-ups
Remote Year Startup Helps You Travel 12 Difference Cities of the World While Working Remotely
by Fahad Saleemby Fahad SaleemTelecommuting and working remotely is becoming a new normal. Studies have proved that productivity increases when workers…
Cool Tech JobsStart-ups
After Getting Fired, He Now Earns $500k a Month While Travelling the World
by Fahad Saleemby Fahad SaleemIn 2009, John Crestani, 21, dropped out of college, took a small loan from his family and…
Cool Tech JobsTech
How to Become a Freelance Photographer and Make Huge Amounts of Money [Detailed Guide]
by Fahad Saleemby Fahad SaleemFreelancing and being your own boss is the zeitgeist of the modern working dynamics. It is the…
Cool Tech JobsStart-ups
True Inspirational Stories of People Who Made Career Changes to Get Their Dream Job
by Fahad Saleemby Fahad SaleemAlmost daily we find numerous business websites publishing inspirational stories about how one should leave an…