Turns out you can! You can actually turn your PC into a Chromebook by installing on it…
Event ArticlesHardwareWindows
These are the 7 new Windows 10 Devices Microsoft is using to take on Chromebooks
As we pointed out in this previous article, Microsoft is on the defense as Google Chromebooks steadily…
Event ArticlesReviews
The very best of Chromebooks that debuted at CES 2019
by Felix Omondiby Felix OmondiCompared to Microsoft, Google had little representation at the CES 2019 in terms of new hardware unveiled…
At this year’s Google I/O, Google announced that Chrome OS will now include support for Linux apps.…
You will soon use Note Apps right from the Lock Screen on Chromebooks
by Felix Omondiby Felix OmondiAs far as Chromebooks are concerned, it is the Samsung Chromebook Pro and Plus that made Chrome…
How To's
How to stop Google Chrome from sucking your laptop battery fast
by Felix Omondiby Felix OmondiGoogle Chrome is that one browser that you would love to hate, but somehow you always find…
Apps and Software
The new Google Chrome Mobile Browser comes with inbuilt QR Code & Barcode Scanner
by Felix Omondiby Felix OmondiThere was a time when QR code was the in-thing. Currently, they are not as much of…
Check Which Chromebooks Support Android Apps and Install These Best Apps for Chromebook
by Fahad Saleemby Fahad SaleemGoogle has been planning to transform its business model into an ecosystem in which products and services…